Wall murals-outside wall:nursery school
Painted vibracrete wall murals : outside wall for a nursery school in Cape Town. Mural art works wonders transforming these grey walls.This wall was painted in the middle of our Cape Town summer, I had already done wall murals for the inside of the nursery school classrooms, but now had the challenge of the vibracrete walls on the outside . I followed the bee theme though from the other murals within the nursery school, but made this mural a bit more realistic ,than the other I had painted. The biggest challenge of painting this mural was dealing with the heat.There was no waiting around for paint to dry here, it dried the minute it touched the wall.This kind a mural also takes longer to.paint that is because these kind of walls need a plaster primer applied first.To combat the heat I had tried to make some kind of make shift shelter that ended up either collapsing on me or it got blown across the yard. I believe there in a business idea there , a movable sun shelter for muralist so that they don’t fry in the scorching heat. But never less I was able to get this mural done even though I was wilting most of the time. The part I like the most about this wall mural was the morning-glory purple flowers I really like the infusion of this delicate purple flower. Think it worked well in this wall mural.
Wall murals : outside-wall mural