First Swing Golf Program

First Swing Golf Program


First Swing Golf Program helping disabled children

Mural Wall Art recently partnered with First Swing golf program helping disabled children with Cerebral Palsy at there school in Pretoria. This is an amazing program that caters to nearly a 1000 children spread all over South Africa. What First Swing Golf Program does is recognize that children with disabilities will most likely never get a chance to be on a golf course or play the sport due to the limitations of there disabilities, so they bring the sport of golf to these children.

So how does this program do just that, they get a large room in the school that can accommodate a number of children for the program, this room is then painted out by our selves to look like a golf course with a host of funny animals are meant to teach the children how to play the game of golf . With the use of these funny characters, children are taught the gentlemen’s game rules like” respect one another”, be honest eg “about your score”, have integrity… the many other aspects of the game that goes above and beyond hitting a ball.


mural wall art assists first swing golf program helping children with disabilities social event mural wall art assists first swing golf program helping children with disabilities social event mural wall art assists first swing golf program helping children with disabilities social event mural wall art assists first swing golf program helping children with disabilities social event mural wall art assists first swing golf program helping children with disabilities social event mural wall art assists first swing golf program helping children with disabilities social event mural wall art assists first swing golf program helping children with disabilities social event mural wall art assists first swing golf program helping children with disabilities social event

Many physical tasks like target practice and exercise routine are also incorporated by the First Swing Golf Program that also helps the children with there coordination. The kids love it, all the children can participate no matter there disability.

I regard it as a great privilege to be part of this project, it is very heartwarming to see them laugh and have fun, yet learn valuable life lessons. I am so humbled as an able-bodied person that can move without restraint to see these children live life without self-pity because I wonder they have all the reason to be unhappy with there challenges.But their disability doesn’t disable their ability to enjoy the moment and the program works hard to create just those moments.

This experience has taught me no matter my problems if a child that can barely walk can endure there challenge every day without complaint, who am I not to look up and be grateful for all i have and have much compared to others.

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